Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lunch with the Ladies

The WSOA committee welcomed the newest group of SOA women to our Lunch with the Ladies last week. We invited the Junior Core ladies to join us for a break from studying to eat good food, celebrate completion of the infamous Waren Case, and hear from Jonyce Bullock, a partner at Squire. 

We had a great turnout! The Junior Core women who attended met women in the next levels of the accounting program and asked questions about what to expect for the rest of their time in the SOA. 

Here are some shots of our lovely attendees! 

The event concluded with a few words from Jonyce Bullock. She shared her experiences of entering the work force after her husband was diagnosed with a serious illness. She has since made partner at Squire and is able to support her family while her husband remains home with their children. 

Jonyce expressed gratitude for degree from BYU's accounting program and that it has allowed her to face unexpected challenges that have come up in her life. She was a terrific speaker! We look forward to seeing her at future WSOA events. 

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