Thursday, January 27, 2011

Women in the School of Accountancy Panel Fall 2010

The WSOA Panels are always so much fun!!! This is one of the most important events that the WSOA puts together and we will be having one this Winter semester that you won't wanna miss.
This past semester we had the opportunity to have a wide variety of panelists. The WSOA always tries to bring diverse women who are or have been involved in the Accounting profession in different ways. This way students can learn about all the many options that an Accounting degree has to offer them. For example this year we had the opportunity to enjoy the company of outstanding women which included:

Melissa Larson: who has worked for Grant Thornton in their tax department and is currently a BYU professor in the MAcc program.

Paige Foote: who is a recent BYU graduate and is currently working at Hawkins Cloward & Simister, a local firm.

Molly Zarbock: who worked with a public accounting firm for 4 years and currently works at 1-800 Contacts as Assistant Controller.

Joni Lusty: Recruiter for Ernst & Young, graduated with MAcc from BYU and began her career at Ernst & Young initially as an Auditor.

Kori Crookston: Received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from BYU and worked part time while raising her children.

One thing that I love is that during these events is the great environment that we create in which all the students can feel safe asking any questions they may have about Accounting in general, how to balance life and work, career paths, work options, time management, how to manage their own business, etc... Our panelists are always very nice ladies who have been successful on whatever they have chosen to do with their degrees.

Also, it is great to bring friends together from previous Jr. Core generations as it turns out that Prof. Larson, Molly and Joni were in the same Jr. Core class here at BYU.

We love to invite amazing women to help all of you very talented students who are curious about all the amazing things Accounting has to offer so come to the next one on March 31st. Put it on your calendar.

Students engaged in the panelists comments and great advice!

Here we have our panelists from top left:

Paige, Kori, then starting from front left we have Prof. Larson, Molly and Joni.
Our panelists are always very energetic and dynamic and this panel was not the exception for sure.

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