Friday, November 15, 2013

Decide to Decide: Your Financial Future Starts Here! Special Information for Anyone Interested in Accounting!

Contact Us at For More Information!

Freshman & Sophomore Information Session!

On October 23, we hosted an information session for freshman and sophomore women to learn more about the field of accounting! Last year we had themed our event as "Decide to Decide: Your Financial Future Starts Here!". The event was so beneficial and helpful for our attendees that we decided to repeat the event again this year!

The event gave undergrad freshman and sophomore women an opportunity to learn more about accounting and what an education in the accounting program at BYU can do for them! We were lucky to hear from the School of Accountancy (SOA) Department Chair, Dr. Jeff Wilks; the WSOA Faculty Advisor and SOA Professor, Professor Melissa Larson; and our two WSOA Co-chairs, Ashley Wassom and Shalise Knight. They shared their love for the accounting program at BYU and were able to share their experience of how accounting has blessed their lives!

After the program, our attendees, faculty, and committee were able to mingle, ask and answer questions, and enjoy some delicious Coldstone Ice Cream!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come and participate! As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us at!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Junior Core Luncheon

Today we had our first WSOA event of the semester! We had so much fun meeting our new group of junior core ladies and getting to know each other over salads, sandwiches, and strawberries from Zupas. There were WSOA committee members at each table and we were able to answer questions, give advice, and get to know these wonderful new accounting women better! After lunch we had a question-and-answer session made up of our lovely panel. Ashley Wassom (co-chair), Laura Payne (1st-yr MAcc Tax), Marynn Loock (1st-yr MAcc Professional), Erin Cowley (Undergrad Senior), Emma Johnson (2nd-yr MAcc Tax), and Professor Larson answered lots of questions and provided great advice regarding internships, the MAcc, career paths, missions, and our role as women. We look forward to the awesome year ahead of us! 

Our first event was a success! As always, we have a great group of women starting out in the junior core. We look forward to getting to know each other better over the course of the semester! 

Our next event will be our Freshman/Sophomore event on October 23.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Winter 2013 Events!

What a fun winter semester we had last year! With so much diversity in the women in the accounting program, we used this semester to address different circumstances of those of us already in the program.

2012 Winter Events

Missionary Luncheon

Jr. Core Study Break

Acc 200/ 310 Info Session

When President Monson announced the change in age for sister missionaries, we knew that our women would be affected and have questions about how a mission would affect their progress in the accounting program. We met together with women who had mission calls, were considering serving, or had recently returned home from a mission.  As we ate a yummy lunch of Café Rio, returned sisters spoke of their experience serving and how they went about planning around the jr. core and MAcc program.  Professor Larson then spoke on the plausibility of serving and how BYU would accommodate for missions. We served up Cold Stone ice cream to finish off the event, hoping to leave everyone full of understanding, comfort, and, of course, food.
Knowing the junior core students needed another break from exams, we met with these women to give them some time off from studying. We provided tasty treats and social interaction to these study-bound students.

We also held another information session for women taking accounting 200 or 310 interested in pursuing a degree in accounting. The event’s purpose was to let women know about what life is like in the program and how it might be a great fit for them. Brittan Herndon, a student in the junior core, talked about “A Day in the Life of the Junior Core” and spoke about the expectations and realities of life in the junior core. We also had a panel of our committee members to answer questions that the women attending might have about applying to the program, job opportunities, or anything else. After the event we all enjoyed a Cold Stone ice cream sundae bar and mingling with each other. It was an amazing end to a great school year!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fall 2012 Recap!

 As we begin a new year and new semester, we would like to mention what an awesome Fall semester we had. The number of women in the accounting program has grown from 2011-2012 and we have had wonderful events recruiting more women and getting to know the women who are currently in the program.

2012 Fall Events
Jr Core Luncheon
MaCC and Bachelor students lunch
Jr Core Study Break
Decide to Decide Freshman Event
Alumni Dinner

To recap the semester, we started off with an awesome luncheon with the Jr Core women. The first few weeks can be a bit overwhelming and seem daunting, and this luncheon was a great opportunity for our committee members to share their memories and experiences from the Jr Core and to offer advice and reassurance.

We then had a luncheon with the MAcc and Bachelor accounting female students. During this luncheon, we had the opportunity to hear from Molly Zarbock, a BYU alum. She left us all with her top 10 things to remember

During the first Jr Core exam week, we met up with the Jr Core women between exams for a “study break”. Everyone met in the Tanner Building for snacks, encouragement, and a much needed break.

This year’s freshman event was our “Decide to Decide” event. As mentioned in a prior post, this event was a great opportunity to inform freshman and sophomore women of the benefits of an education and career in accounting. We had over 100 women in attendance and we’re hoping to see them in the program in the future!

Our 2nd Annual Alumni Dinner finished off our semester on the perfect note. We are all so blessed to be a part of such an amazing university and program and to have such a vast network of alumni.